Grow Together Side by Side!

We're thrilled to welcome new affiliates to our team!

How it works

Join Flashforge Creator Today

Whether you're a video creator, blogger, or social media influencer, we welcome you to be part of our brand. Through collaboration, you'll gain access to exclusive resources and support to take your creativity to new heights!

You must be 18 years or older & live within the US to apply.


The FlashForge affiliate program is a partnership opportunity where individuals can earn commissions by promoting FlashForge products through their unique referral links.

To apply for the FlashForge affiliate program, you typically need to meet certain requirements such as having an active online presence, a website, blog, or social media following relevant to the products you plan to promote.

Once you submit your application, you will usually receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt.The FlashForge team will then review your application, and if accepted, you will receive further instructions on how to get started.

Referrals are usually tracked through unique affiliate links provided to you upon acceptance into the program. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, the system records it, and you earn a commission on that sale. All can be found in your shareasales account.

The amount you earn as an affiliate typically depends on factors such as the products you promote, the volume of sales generated through your referrals, and the commission structure of the affiliate program.